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Leading Children

Developmental Writing (1 day, TBC)

Developmental Writing (1 day, TBC)

Regular price £125.00 Excl. VAT £150.00 GBP Incl. VAT
Regular price Sale price £180.00 Incl. VAT
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Developmental Writing: How to move through developmental stages of mark-making to writing and how to make this process irresistible to children.

Course Description:

Let me take you through each tiny stage from scribbling, to dots, to zigzags and beyond to independent, and joyfully expressive writing! We will look at how to carefully nudge children from one stage into another, how to create a culture around them that makes writing irresistible and send you home with a plethora of practical ideas. If you aren’t buzzing by the end of the day, you can have your money back!

Please note: Refreshments are always provided but delegates need to bring their own lunch.


Leading Children Limited, Farnham Road, BRADFORD  BD7 3JE

Date(s) & Duration:
TBC - Full Day 9.30am - 3.30pm


All EYFS leaders, teachers & support staff

£125.00 per person + VAT

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