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Leading Children

Emperor Penguin

Emperor Penguin

Regular price £4.50 Excl. VAT £5.40 GBP Incl. VAT
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1 x Emperor Penguin figure

High quality arctic figure- perfect for small world play.

This beautiful replica works very well with our other set of smaller penguins and can be bought as a single or set of 6.

Fun facts:

Emperor Penguins don’t meet polar bears because they live in the Antarctic. A male emperor penguin must withstand the Antarctic cold for more than two months to protect his egg from extreme cold, until it can hatch safely. On land, Emperor Penguins have no natural predators, only birds that try to steal their eggs, but in the sea, they are hunted by seals and Killer Whales.

Rachel’s Notes:

Penguins live on land and fish in the sea for their food, so you will need to make provision for this in your small world or water tray. If you are using a shallow tray, why not raise it very slightly at one end using a couple of doorstops so that you can allow the water to settle at one end and use the opposite end to add gravel, pebbles, rocks, and ice. By adding small fish, seals, and a Killer Whale you have a comprehensive habitat for these wonderous creatures. For older children to appreciate the wonder of the penguins’ story, they might like to watch The March of the Penguins, or other documentaries which tell their powerful story. Enhance children’s language, knowledge, and the quality of their play by teaching them about penguins before they play and ensure that all your hard work pays dividends.

Product Dimension:

4cm (L) x 3cm (W) x 7cm (H). This is a guide to show you the general scale of the product. Contact us if you require exact measurements.

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